Why I’m a Gideon: Aby Vonteddu

Aby spent many successful years in management and quality control roles in the corporate sector. But God had other plans. Aby had no idea how He would take his business skills and formulate a path for him to draw close to the Savior and share the hope of Jesus Christ with others.

“I Wonder...”


Aby grew up in a middle-class Hindu family in Southern India. Despite the area having a strong Hindu presence, two percent of the area was comprised of evangelical Christians. Aby was taught that Hinduism was the greatest of all religions, yet his family was semi-committed to religious practices.

His parents valued education, as most families in the country did, and sent him and his sister to a private school during their adolescent years. Later, during his university studies, Aby decided to skip finance class one evening to hang out with his friends. They heard music from a nearby chapel, which turned out to be a Christian youth fellowship meeting. He and his friends started attending. It was Aby’s first time experiencing authentic worship, reading a copy of God’s Word, and wrestling with the truth of the Gospel.

A quest began for Aby. In weeks, he learned that every religion differed in its approach and beliefs, which opposed the concept he was raised to believe that “we are all united but different.” Thoughts began to race through his mind: If all these religions are different…where is God in this? Is there a God…does He have a name? Aby was not attracted to atheism because he was convinced there had to be a supernatural power. He was sure God could speak for Himself, so he said aloud, “God, you have to tell me Your name!”

The search went on for a couple of months, and God became more real in Aby’s heart and mind. The final turning point came in the summer of 1999 when his mom was offering food to idols in their home. “I knew I couldn’t do it anymore—this was the moment I said no to worshipping false gods and took my stand for Jesus Christ.”

“I knew I couldn’t do it anymore—this was the moment I said no to worshipping false gods and took my stand for Jesus Christ.”

His family and friends had already seen the difference in him. A few years later, he made known his intentions of marrying a Christian young lady. Like Aby, she was raised in a Hindu family but became a believer in the seventh grade. Her name is Thrishna, which means “someone who thirsts.” Despite being a Christian, his family eventually fell in love with her. The couple married in 2005.

How Long, Lord?


Aby began working in the corporate sector and found great success in project and transition management roles. After nearly eight years at one company, the Lord opened a door for him to work for a bank for two and a half years, specializing in assets, wellness management, and quality control.

With all the success Aby had in the corporate world, a holy discontentment developed within him. He prayed, ”Lord, how long do you want me to work in the corporate sector?“ He desired to do full-time ministry and help others answer questions he once had about the Christian faith.

 Aby Vonteddu

In 2008, God began to show Aby how his strong business expansion skills could be used for Kingdom growth. At a church life group meeting, he met a Gideon named Navneet. He introduced Aby to The Gideons International and told him about the amazing opportunity to win people for Jesus Christ, distribute God’s Word, and be a part of something bigger than himself with fellow believers.

This was an answer to prayer for Aby—a chance to use his gifts and minister simultaneously.

Aby joined the Association. A year later, God fulfilled Aby’s calling by allowing him to come on staff full-time with The Gideons. Since then, Aby has served in various staff capacities and leadership roles. But one thing has remained steadfast—his love for telling people about Jesus.

“What Does God Want from You?”


Aby had been praying for a witnessing opportunity one morning before a flight from Hyderabad to Bhubaneswar. He met a history and political science professor on the flight, and the two began a spiritual conversation. As Aby began to share the Gospel with the professor, it was clear he was well-educated and intelligent. The professor contended that Aby was monotheistic and narrow-minded compared to him, a polytheistic Hindu. He shared he had no issues in accepting Jesus Christ as a deity but shied away from shunning his gods. “I was clearly not making any progress against a well-read, intelligent man, who probably knew more Christian and ancient Near Eastern history than I did,” remembers Aby.

Aby prayed for an opening, and the Holy Spirit immediately dropped a question in his heart. “Sir, what do you think God wants from you?” The professor stared at Aby in silence contemplating his question. Aby knew the Holy Spirit was working on him. Sensing this, Aby placed a Testament in his hand and offered to pray for him. He told Aby about his daughter and her autistic child and asked if he could pray for peace in his family. “I never met or heard from the professor again. But, I know that He who began a good work in the professor will bring it to completion on the day of Jesus Christ.”

This encounter, among others, has caused Aby’s personal witnessing perspective to evolve over time. There was a time when he felt that all he needed was to be bold and upfront when witnessing to someone. A sense of urgency compelled him to think he must always be in the moment, and it was all up to him. He thought, “If I didn’t share the Gospel, I might deny the other individual’s only opportunity to hear the salvation message. This mindset sometimes made me insensitive and even brash.” But the Lord was working on Aby. “The Holy Spirit taught me to be sensitive to the other person and allow them time to comprehend. While I may be ready to share the Gospel, the other person may not be in the frame to receive it.”

“The Holy Spirit taught me to be sensitive to the other person and allow them time to comprehend.”

Praise God for His continued work in Aby’s life, using his skills to make a difference for eternity! Aby encourages Gideons and Auxiliary to pray before witnessing, which he believes is the best way to prepare. Pray for the Lord to prepare you and for Him to prepare the people who receive your word of witness. Together, may we faithfully continue winning people for Jesus Christ.

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