A Testimony Of Hope And Healing

Sergey Komar spent his childhood in an orphanage. Other children in the orphanage mocked and offended him, so he tried to escape several times. However, with each attempt, Sergey was found and brought back to the orphanage.

Eventually, Sergey became ill with symptoms of tuberculosis and was admitted to a hospital. While lying in bed with a serious health condition and a hopeless feeling in his heart, Sergey found a New Testament in his bedside table. As he spent time reading about Christ, Sergey repented and gave his heart to Jesus. The Lord healed the young man and gave him life instead of death.

Today, Sergey is a member of the Gideon camp in the Rovenky, Luhansk region of Ukraine. He is working with other local Gideons to visit tuberculosis hospitals on a regular basis. Hundreds of Scriptures just like the one Sergey read during his darkest days have been placed in these hospitals. Sergey has been able to present the Gospel to many tuberculosis patients who have responded by praying to receive Christ as their Lord and Savior.

Sergey is grateful to God for the Gospel, which gave him hope and healing. He works diligently toward a goal to see every person holding a copy of the Word of God.

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