Called a “monster” by his own mother, Death Row inmate Robert Simon Jr. waited out the days of his punishment with bad attitude and rough behavior. His spot on Death Row was earned by his many crimes for which he received two life terms and a sentence of death.
The Meridian West Camp of Mississippi was allowed the privilege, and responsibility, of taking God’s Word to the State Penitentiary in September 2012. When the Gideons approached Death Row, the guards warned against speaking with Simon, due to his outbursts of anger and violence. However, with the help of prayer and courage to do the work of God, Brother Ray Williams was allowed a conversation with Simon. Simon’s initial response was to inform the Gideon he was too bad to be saved, that he was too far gone and too mean.
Brother Williams proceeded to share the love of God and laid out the simple plan of salvation, a free gift offered to all who would accept it. As he began to actually feel the love he was being told of, shown in the kindness of the Gideon, something seemed to suddenly resonate with Simon. In response, Simon bowed to his knees and received Christ Jesus as Savior and Lord, much to the astonishment of the officers present.
Praise God for His grace and mercy, and for establishing the ministry of The Gideons International, to train up and equip men and women to bring the Gospel to all who will hear!