Overcoming Doubt: The 2014 India International Scripture Blitz

Weeks before Charles Warren arrived in Chennai to lead an international team in India’s International Scripture Blitz (ISB) this January, he began having doubts. Would doors be open for them to share God’s Word?

“I was a little fearful,” recalled Warren. “They recently had problems distributing Scriptures in India and I did not know what kind of challenges we would face. Arrests have happened in the past and could happen again on this trip.”

However, God awoke Warren in the middle of the night, reminding him, “He is able to save to the uttermost those who draw near to God through him… (Hebrews 7:25). In the darkness of night, Warren was reassured he could trust God and was reminded of His power to save people anywhere, even the uttermost. “I knew that was our theme verse for the blitz.”

The Gideons International has enjoyed much growth in India. Last year, Gideons there achieved their Scripture goal, providing 13.3 million Scriptures.

Warren and the rest of the international team landed in Chennai on Friday, January 17, praying for open doors and safety. Members in India welcomed them with enthusiasm, as they prepared to provide Chennai with copies of God’s Word.

Chennai’s Students Reach Out For God’s Word

“We are Christian businessmen from The Gideons International, and we are here today to give you a free gift – God’s Word,” said a Gideon as he stood in front of a class of eighth grade students. “We do this because we believe God’s Word is essential in everyone’s life, and it carries the answers to life. We do this around the world in 196 countries, and today we want to give you a free gift.”

Then, as students extended their hands, Gideons gave each boy and girl a New Testament. This same scene played out in many classrooms over the week. “They were so open to the Gospel,” says Warren. “On several occasions I was asked to come back to the classroom and pray over the whole group.”

As is often the case on an ISB, the majority of distributions during the Chennai blitz took place at schools. However, weeks earlier, there had been resistance. “I was under the impression that many schools would be closed to the Gospel,” shared Warren.

Prior to the blitz in Chennai, Gideons and Auxiliary around the world had been praying for open doors. And God answered their prayers, as every school where Gideons requested access allowed them to come in and distribute Scriptures. Surprisingly teams were even able to share the Gospel in classrooms and assemblies.

Gideons And Auxiliary Exceed Goal By 25%

During the six days of distributions and placements, the Gideons and Auxiliary placed and distributed 250,901 Scriptures, exceeding their goal of 200,000.

“God honors our prayers,” said Warren. “The people were very open to receiving our gift. I was surprised by how open they were. Over 250,000 people took a copy of God’s Word,” reflected Warren. “If you think about it,” he went on, “that means 250,000 families have a copy of God’s Word going into their homes. That’s powerful.” The team that landed in Chennai, India, praying for open doors and protection left seven days later praising God and claiming the promise that His Word would not return void.

We thank the Gideons and Auxiliary who participated in the 2014 India International Scripture Blitz. We also thank the pastors, donors and others who’ve supported The Gideons International. Your prayers and financial gifts are making a difference. Most of all, we praise God for the Scriptures distributed in Chennai. We give Him all the glory for the lives that will be changed as people read the Scriptures placed there and come to discover the hope found only in Jesus.

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