A Nine-Year-Old Boy In Swaziland Says “Thank You“

It warms our hearts to know during this Christmas season, there will be children throughout the world who will worship the Savior—perhaps for the first time. Some of those children first came to know Jesus upon receiving a Scripture from The Gideons International at a school distribution.

Recently, Gideons and Auxiliary from the Mbabane camp in Swaziland, Africa distributed Scriptures to students and staff members at four local schools. Several children publicly responded to the presentation of the Gospel.

One of the 1,670 students to receive a copy of God’s Word during those distributions was a fifth grade boy named Grace Fred. He sent us the note below to express his thanks for those Scriptures and for the sharing of the Gospel by the Gideons.

Please pray this little boy’s witness will result in more souls won to the Lord. His sweet note is a simple reminder that the Gospel is for everyone.

“…but Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.’” Matthew 19:14 (ESV)

To all the faithful donors, pastors, members and other supporters who made it possible to put that copy of God’s Word into the hands of this little boy and his classmates, thank you.

And to God, we give all the glory and praise.

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