The 2016 Mexico International Scripture Blitz

As Christian business and professional men and their wives dedicated to telling people about Jesus Christ, Gideons go into the world sharing copies of God’s Word. During an International Scripture Blitz, such as the one that took place for two weeks this October in Mexico, local members as well as several members from around the world, distribute Scriptures and share their faith with others all day long.
The first of these blitz events by Gideons took place in Mexico City in 1978. In those seven days, Gideons distributed 45,650 Scriptures. During this year’s blitz, almost 40 years later, Gideons and Auxiliary distributed over 75,000 Scriptures on the first day.
More than 200 Gideons and Auxiliary from the 25 local and outlying camps participated in the blitz. From transportation problems to school access, many things can go wrong during a Scripture blitz. However, the team experienced minimal problems, thanks to prayers from around the world.
Sharing God’s Word With Mexico’s Students
"Gideons had a hard time keeping up with the constant flow of outstretched hands."

Parents would walk their high school students to campus and smile at the Gideons. One parent mentioned in her best English, “This is good, congratulations!” At a middle school, one parent became so interested in what the Gideons were doing, he decided to pursue membership.
Gideons had a hard time keeping up with the constant flow of outstretched hands. David Eslinger from the Tulsa County North Camp, Oklahoma, said, “You’ve heard about the rate at which Gideons distribute God’s Word – about two Scriptures per second. That was us as we were distributing to the rush of students entering or exiting a school.” It was noted if the first few students did not take a Scripture, the next ones would not. However, if someone accepted the gift, everyone following behind took one as well.
One of the high school students who received a New Testament was Omar. After accepting it, he then tried to set fire to it. He had trouble keeping it lit.

That’s when he felt a change in his heart. He brought the New Testament back to the Gideons and said, “I shouldn’t have done that.” Gideons walked Omar through God’s Word, and this time the Gospel burned in his heart. He accepted Jesus Christ as his Savior. His friends watched from afar and came over after he left. They asked the Gideons, “What just happened?” This gave the Gideons the opportunity to share the good news about Jesus with them as well. And all four friends prayed to receive Christ.
Auxiliary Distribute Scriptures
The Auxiliary, who are wives of Gideons, were out in full-force. Grace Rivera of the Pueblo Camp led the Auxiliary team. “I love what every Auxiliary gets to do, every day,” she said. Grace and her team handed out over 7,000 Scriptures to medical staff at La Raza Hospital on the first day. The Auxiliary in Mexico are bold to step out and share Christ personally when an opportunity arises.
"I love what every Auxiliary gets to do, every day."
Brothers for Life

The population of greater Mexico City is 22 million people. The total Scriptures distributed in the first week in Mexico City was just over 300,000.
The second week was spent in San Luis Potosi, a metropolitan city four hours north of Mexico City with a population of about one million. This was the first time the city has had a Scripture blitz. There is only one camp in this city; however, Gideons and Auxiliary from all around the region drove in to help exceed the goal of 50,000 Scriptures for the week by twice that amount.
"By serving on a blitz, you get friends for a week – and brothers for life."
One of the members in San Luis Potosi, Victor Martinez, is a professor of architecture. He doesn’t speak English. However, he does say what he likes best about International Scripture Blitzes is the “compañerismo” or fellowship. Team members all agreed, by serving on a blitz, you get friends for a week – and brothers for life.
Please pray for more lives to be changed as a result of the Scriptures placed and distributed by Gideons and Auxiliary during the Mexico International Scripture Blitz.