Peace on Earth and Goodwill
to Men

We have made it once again to the end of another year. Most are ready to simply relax and get through the holiday hustle. Yet we will soon find ourselves busy again when the new year gets underway. Is there room for us to rest in a lasting way this Christmas? When we look to Christ, we find peace and contentment instead of anxiety and exhaustion.
Christmas provides the counter-cultural opportunity to simplify. Before we sought any comforts of the world, we were sought first.
In the book of Isaiah, a Deliverer is promised - one not simply for the Jews of the day, but for people of all ages. Centuries later, a Child of infinite importance was born in the humblest of conditions. In Luke 2:10, we find one account of the prophecy being fulfilled: “And the angel said to them, ‘Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people.’”
The Good News was that Christ came for us, to effectually and entirely release us of our burdens and sins. In doing so, He imparted to us a peace that is not interrupted or affected by circumstances. For believers, Christmas is a powerful celebration of this reality. He has come to us, and we have Him now. In Jesus Christ we find a supreme delight, better than the world’s offerings, and safe passage through life’s trials.
The consumerism of the season can persuade us we still need many things, but we have a Redeemer who supersedes all lesser interests. We have a Savior whose power and tenderness reassures us of His promises. His incarnation ensures He can sympathize with all our earthly cares, and His accomplishments provide a guarantee of salvation. To confidently proclaim this truth could be our highest achievement this Christmas. If you are in Christ, you are complete.
In this hopeful state, Christmas loses any superfluous modern additions and regains its transcendent power. Gazing on Christ provides every opportunity to rejoice in the blessings of a fruitful year, every needed consolation for a difficult year, and every possible hope for the new year yet to come. The news received by startled shepherds thousands of years ago is the same good news for us today.
‘For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.” Luke 2:11 ESV
Merry Christmas.