Reaching the Next Generation

Recent news headlines reveal the next generation is confused, lonely, anxious, and spiritually hungry. This is why Gideons and Auxiliary are committed to sharing the hope of the Gospel with young people. Read more about these efforts.

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Kari Pankonin Testimony Thumbnail
A Hospital Bible Halts a Troubled Girl’s Plans

When Kari Pankonin tells her story, she remembers one faithful night in a hospital room. Several lonely nights and painful experiences led to this moment. But then, she saw a Book—without its words, she is not sure where she would be today.

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Aby Vonteddu Thumbnail
Why I'm A Member
Why I’m a Gideon: Aby Vonteddu

Aby spent many successful years in management and quality control roles in the corporate sector. But God had other plans. Aby had no idea how God would take his business skills and formulate a path for him to draw close to the Savior and share the hope of Jesus Christ with others.

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Thumbnail Tabernacle Baptist Church in Shoreline, Washington
Seeing God in the Ebbs and Flows

Imagine serving in the same role for 43 years. This is how long Tom Ruhlman has pastored his congregation in Washington. His dedication speaks to his desire to stick through the ebbs and flows of ministry and to his passion for his people to know and follow Jesus.

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Scripture Blitz
Your Labor Is Not in Vain

Imagine a team of Gideons and Auxiliary on a mission to reach over 100,000 people in Ecuador with the Word of God. Against all odds and unforeseen challenges, they not only met but exceeded their target. Join us as we share their inspiring story in our latest blog post and give glory to God for His hand at work.

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Constant Stream of Miracles

Joshua’s life has been a constant stream of miracles where God accomplished the seemingly impossible.

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The Bible in the Drawer

Daryl Mosley has written songs about the simple things that touch people’s lives for the past three decades. On his 2023 release, A Life Well Lived, he included “The Bible in the Drawer” inspired by the many Gideon-placed Bibles he and seen and read over the years.

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Celebrating Life Change

Nothing compares to seeing lives transformed by the Gospel. As we spend time celebrating Jesus’ birth and the coming New Year, let’s reflect on a few moments from this past year when lives were changed as God worked through faithful Gideons and Auxiliary.

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The Power of Salvation

This past April, Gideons and Auxiliary in Colombia welcomed Gideons from different countries who came to strive side by side for the faith of the Gospel. Together, these teams would engage in the placement and distribution of Scriptures to win others for Jesus.

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What Makes a Testament from The Gideons so Unique?

Ever wondered about Testaments from The Gideons and what makes them unique? Gideons know the special feeling of placing a pocket Testament into a hand reaching out for the hope found only in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Read more in our latest blog post.

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Why I'm A Member
Why I’m a Gideon: Ted Landers

An incredible journey unfolds when God calls Christian businessmen to become Gideons. Allow us to introduce you to Ted Landers, as he shares how obedience to God's call led to an enriching membership experience.

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Fearfully and Wonderfully Made

Raw experiences often lead to life-altering moments. For one family, a single Bible verse forever changed their course and their view of life itself. Read more about John Bremer’s remarkable story in our latest blog post.

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Feature Story
Hermoso en Su Tiempo (Beautiful in Its Time)

God makes everything beautiful in His time. Only He can take a challenging area and ignite a passion resulting in the highest blitz results ever for the country of Mexico. It’s all about bringing the right people together to accomplish His purposes.

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A Path to Purpose

God used His Word to change Debbie’s life. Now she wins others to Christ as she continues growing in her walk with the Lord. Read more about her journey in our latest blog post.

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A Heart for Sharing God’s Word

What happens when God takes our passions and redirects them? From a young age, Jose Fuertes had a heart for sharing God’s Word and thought he had found his place of service. However, the Lord was preparing him for ministry beyond what he had ever dreamed.

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Why I’m a Member
A Natural Fit

“Son...I have wanted you in ministry for 35 years.” Tim Short felt the Lord saying these piercing words right to his heart. He had no idea God was preparing him to fulfill his deepest desire.

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A Gideon from Ukraine Dies Taking God’s Word to the Battlefront

Amid unthinkable situations since the rise of conflict in Ukraine, God continues using faithful Gideons and Auxiliary to bring the hope of His Word to others. For one Gideon, God’s call led him to the ultimate sacrifice on the front line.

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God's Word is Enough

Vova grew up in a typical Soviet home. At just the right time, he encountered a Testament that would change his worldview in ways he did not expect.

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Scripture Blitz
Questions and Eternal Answers

Are you sure? Who is Jesus to you? What is this? During a recent one-week Scripture blitz, these questions came from searching souls in Lae, Papua New Guinea. In God’s providence, Gideons and Auxiliary saw these conversations lead to eternal opportunities.

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No More Idols

Satabdi wanted nothing to do with Christianity. Yet, when Gideons kept coming to her schools with Testaments, non-interest turned into curiosity as she began to reconsider what she once believed in.

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Merry Christmas from The Gideons International

Merry Christmas from The Gideons International! We pray you and your family have a blessed holiday season as you celebrate the birth of the Savior.

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Celebrating 2.5 Billion Seeds Sown

This fall, we officially surpassed 2.5 billion Scriptures placed and distributed worldwide—join us in praising God for this milestone! We are grateful for His provision that allows us to continue sharing the Gospel through His Word.

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Feature Story
Life-Giving Encounters

Not every encounter is a salvation experience, but every encounter is life-giving,” said one Gideon following a week-long effort with fellow members in North Carolina. Read more about some of the life-giving encounters they experienced in our latest blog post.

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Featured Story
Kevin Beal—An Ordinary Gideon

Kevin Beal, newly elected international president of The Gideons International, has been a Gideon for over 20 years now—a calling he never saw coming but one that has impacted his spiritual growth, family life, and his career as a businessman.

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Celebrating 50 Million Life Books!

Today, as students all over the nation gather around their flagpole and pray, we celebrate 3.6 million students who have distributed over 50 million Life Books to their peers! While these are incredible numbers, we must remember the numbers represent real teenagers heading towards an eternal destination.

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Servants of the Lord

The Gospel of Matthew captures an incredible moment between two brothers and Jesus. The Savior took what was familiar and translated it into Kingdom influence. For Todd Lowe, he would have his own “fishing for men” moment, bringing about experiences he never saw coming.

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Daniel & Gaby Blanco
An Accident That Changed Everything

Our lives can change in a single moment. Daniel and Gaby Blanco were on their way to sign paperwork for their new home when they ended up in an unexpected circumstance. What happened next can only be attributed to the Holy Spirit’s moving.

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Gloria and John Hill
Open Doors to Go

What breaks our hearts often leads us to act. John, and his wife Gloria, have been members of The Gideons for over 50 years. Their passion for helping people find Jesus Christ through the truth of Scripture has fueled some of their greatest moments in life and ministry.

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Zambia school Scripture distribution
Scripture Blitz
Gospel Transformation in Zambia

Each time a person hears the Gospel, it can potentially transform their life. Believing this truth, a team of Gideons passionately shared the hope of the Gospel in over 90 institutions in Luanshya, Zambia, this past March.

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David and Katherine next to the marker commemorating the dedication of the dam in honor of David and another Gideon, Hugh Jenkins.
Why I'm a Member
Sowing and Serving

In 1972, David and Katherine Farmer felt God’s call to join what He was doing in The Gideons International. After all these years, the main thing that keeps them going is the need for every individual to encounter Jesus.

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Ukraine and Russia Map
Bringing Hope to Ukraine

Nearly three months have passed since the Russian invasion of Ukraine. An estimated 14 million people have fled their homes seeking stability. Read how Gideons and Auxiliary are reaching people in their darkest hour with the hope and comfort of God’s Word.

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Kent and Nola Edwards
Partners in the Truth

Throughout his early years, Kent Edwards was surrounded by Christian influence. Yet, it wasn’t until he learned the importance of comparing what religious people were teaching with the truth of God’s Word that he discovered God’s purpose for his life.

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Student in Cote d’Ivoire signing their name in a Scripture distributed by Gideons
Scripture Blitz
Pursuing the Good Work

In John 15:5, Jesus taught about bearing the kind of fruit that can only be produced by remaining in Him. This Scripture’s truth was powerfully revealed in the life of each team member who participated in the 2021 Côte d’Ivoire International Scripture Blitz.

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Danny Woolman
Why I'm a Member
Why I'm a Gideon: Danny Woolman

As a member of The Gideons for over 25 years, Danny Woolman is both humbled and inspired by the passion he sees other Gideons demonstrate in serving the Lord. Read what happened when Danny’s journey as a Gideon led him to an inspiring tour of the Association’s newly-opened Heritage Center.

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Steve Witt preaching
Moving Forward

Inside every human heart is the longing to find purpose and fulfillment—a place where they are they are loved and known. What can take someone from living for the world to finding their true identity in Jesus Christ? A prodigal son from East Tennessee discovered this and so much more along the way.

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Gideon distributes Scripture in New York City
Scripture Blitz
Moments from the 2021 New York City Scripture Blitz

“While it seemed like things were always coming against us, I believe this was one of the most important Scripture blitzes we have put on.” Read more about how God used our members during the 2021 New York City Scripture Blitz late last fall.

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Jim Boone
A Changed Man

Change sometimes happens in our most desperate moments. Jim Boone received a gift in college that would stay with him for years to come and led him to a life he could have never imagined.

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Gideons and Auxiliary worshipping
God's Faithfulness Continues

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from The Gideons International! We are eternally grateful for the role we play in sharing the hope of the Gospel. As you read this blog post, join us in celebrating the ways God has been using Gideons and Auxiliary this past year and beyond.

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Sandy Boyd giving testimony
A Spiritual Battle

The apostle Paul reminds us in Ephesians 6:12 (ESV), “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but…against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.” Sandy Boyd was in this spiritual battle from an early age, but an unexpected find would change everything for her.

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George Newfield with Family
Why I'm a Member
Wisdom to Live and Give Well

A famous adage teaches that if you don’t stand for something, you will fall for anything. George Newfield’s experience as a Gideon helps him lead with integrity in his professional career. His story is a reminder to all believers of the wisdom God’s Word gives us to live and give well.

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Personal Witnessing in India
God’s Work Continues in India and Australia

More than 40% of the population is unevangelized, and the harvest field is ripe for believers. Gideons and Auxiliary in India and Australia have found unique ways to share Jesus with others in spite of circumstances surrounding COVID-19.

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Pastor Gary Linton
The Gift that Keeps on Giving

October is Pastor Appreciation Month, and The Gideons International loves to partner with and support local church pastors! One pastor we have a longstanding relationship with is Gary Linton from Florida, who was given a gift at school as a child that would change his life in ways he could have never imagined.

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Men of Action
Who are Gideons: Men of Action

Discover how membership in The Gideons helps Christian business and professional men grow as Men of Action.

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Men of Faith
Who are Gideons: Men of Faith

Discover how membership in The Gideons helps Christian business and professional men grow as Men of Faith.

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Men of God
Who are Gideons: Men of God

Discover how membership in The Gideons helps Christian business and professional men grow as Men of God

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Pastor Brandon Blair
From a Purple Heart to a New Heart

Knowledge of God can come from various places. However, as Brandon Blair learned, head knowledge does not save us. Transformation by the Gospel of Jesus leading to total surrender saves us and gives us a new heart and identity.

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Justo Escobar
Why I'm a Member
Why I am a Gideon: Justo Escobar

God places us in roles and situations that, at first glance, may cause us to wonder why He would use someone like us. Yet, we must remember that God has given us all that we need to accomplish His purposes. Read more about how Gideon Justo Escobar has learned to trust, obey, and steward the God-given resources well.

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Faith Community Church
A Joy Without Regret

In our search to truly know the Creator and Sustainer of all things, only God satisfies our deepest desires. For Pastor Mike Andrews, being surrounded by man’s religion from an early age did not satisfy his heart’s desire. Read more about his journey in our latest blog post.

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Scripture distribution to Guatemala military
Scripture Blitz
Diligent and Rewarding Work in Guatemala

God is still calling His children to diligent and rewarding Kingdom work. He opened doors for Gideons and Auxiliary in Guatemala to conduct several in-country blitzes across ten cities this past February. Learn more about their ministry efforts in our latest blog post.

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A Gideon at the office
In Search of His Excellence

What happens to your Christianity when you go to work? It seems like a simple question, but you’d be surprised at some of the difficult answers from Christian businessmen and professionals. Our latest post offers believers a lens through which to view our careers as a way to point people to Jesus.

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Auxiliary member praying with her husband
Together is Better

The Auxiliary plays a valuable role in our Association’s mission to win people to Jesus Christ. Our latest blog post shares how the wife of a Gideon, serving alongside her husband, has immeasurable impact and spiritual blessings.

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Dan Scott
Why I'm a Member
Why I'm a Gideon: Dan Scott

Like many attorneys, Dan Scott works an average of 55-65 hours a week. Yet, with all the demands of being the founding attorney of a law firm, Dan still makes time in his schedule to serve as a Gideon and devote time to making an impact for the Kingdom. His experience as a Gideon has impacted not only him and his family but also those in his community and beyond.

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Maikel Dominguez on a Scripture distribution in New York City
Finding Out Why

Getting what we think we want in life can leave us empty. However, surrendering to God's plan for our lives opens up opportunities we never imagined. Read how God used the lowest point in one man's life to create one of his most fulfilling moments.

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Pastor Paul Richardson
But the Lord is Faithful

How do believers remain faithful to God’s calling in a world full of selfish ambition? Pastor Paul Richardson recently reminded his congregation of the importance of faithfulness using 2 Thessalonians 3:3. Read more about his journey and his encouragement to stay the course.

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Birthday for Jesus Ornaments on Christmas Tree
How One Church Shares His Story

Gideons and Auxiliary are passionate about making God’s Word accessible around the world. Birthday for Jesus provides an opportunity for church congregations to join us in this effort. This month, we’re celebrating the gifts given through the 2020 Birthday for Jesus season, which will provide more than 73,000 Scriptures. Our latest blog post shows how one participating congregation honored the Savior by sharing His Story.

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Cameroon Students
Scripture Blitz
Nothing is Impossible: 2020 Cameroon Blitz

When plans change, our response often reveals where we place our hope. Gideons and Auxiliary in Cameroon were recently reminded of this when faced with decisions that required strong faith and trusting God for the impossible.

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Shane Jett
Why I'm a Member
Why I'm a Gideon: Shane Jett

Family heritage is a valuable part of your life story. It tells where you came from and why certain values are important to you. For Shane Jett, a Gideon from Oklahoma, being a member of this Association reflects the parts of family that are most important to him.

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Gideon Leadership Praying at Convention 2020
What God Taught Us in 2020

This year has been both fascinating and challenging for many people. As Christians, we rest in God’s promise to use any circumstance for His glory, and this year’s pandemic is no different. The following words from Dr. Kim Powell, international chaplain of The Gideons International, bring hope and assurance to the body of Christ as we look to the days ahead.

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Suddha Sandeep
Seeing God's Miracles

When a Gideon gifted a red Testament to a young girl at a school in India, the words intrigued her to read more. A subsequent series of events paved the way for her to embrace God’s love and grace. Her story is a powerful witness to how God works miracles in our everyday lives.

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Gideon handing Scripture to student
Scripture Blitz
Live Sent

Jesus calls all believers to be His hands and feet—to live sent. This principle, which echoes Jesus’ words in John 17:18, describes the spiritual urgency that drove a team of Gideons and Auxiliary to serve the people of Hermosillo, Mexico, earlier this year by offering a free copy of God’s Word.

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Pastor and Gideon in church
Partners in Ministry—Serving Together with Pastors and Churches

Throughout our history, members of this Association have locked arms with pastors and churches to reach more people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. No matter what circumstances may arise across the globe, this mission will never change. Our desire is that the following stories of impact will inspire and encourage pastors as they equip the body of Christ.

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Reach Responders
Offering Hope through Reach Responders

Gideons and Auxiliary are mobilizing around the world to encourage those on the front lines of COVID-19. In the face of this pandemic, we are actively reaching out to those in hospitals, medical facilities, and police and fire stations. Read more on our blog to find out how The Gideons is offering hope to these responders.

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Witness to History book
Witness to History

When you think of The Gideons, do you think of Bibles placed in hotels? There’s much more to who we are and what we do! Read Witness to History—The Story of The Gideons International for the full story of how God has used Gideons to impact the world.

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Roy Pate
The Power of the Word

God’s Word has more power than anything we encounter on this earth. Roy Pate knows this firsthand. From curious skeptic to faithful believer and Gideon, Roy’s testimony is one of radical transformation at the hands of witness and Scripture. God’s timing and planning have the power and purpose to change lives, and Roy Pate’s is one of those.

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Kenyan youth with Gideon Scriptures
Featured Story
An Infectious Joy

This past spring, ten Gideons traveled thousands of miles to Nairobi, Kenya, to join over 150 local Gideons and Auxiliary for a week of ministry right before the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic was in full effect. The sincere time together came as a result of living in the fullness of all Christ has to offer.

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Chinese boy walking through the slums
Even Before I Knew God

We often find ourselves in places we never thought we would be. God uses situations, people, and circumstances to direct our paths as we search for purpose. For Dr. Raymond Leung, his life of unexpected turns is a testimony to God’s unwavering love and pursuit of His children.

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Carl & Linda Quintrell
Small Town, Big Hearts

Sometimes small towns are filled with people who have hearts that are larger than life. Carl and Linda Quintrell are lifelong residents of a county that is home to less than 25,000 yet decided to take their life’s mission from this small town to the whole world.

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Brant Lindsey giving his testimony at The Gideons International Convention
A Savior in the Storm

Storms in life will come. However, it is Who meets us in the storm and our response that makes the difference. There was a point when Brant Lindsey faced storms, and his life started to unravel. Read more about his triumphs and tragedy.

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Gideon Bible App
Hope in the Palm of Your Hand

According to a Forbes article, internet usage is up between 50-70% in the midst of COVID-19. The world is right at your fingertip. Yet, sometimes we forget the opportunities technology provides us. How can the Lord use us and our relationship with technology during seasons of separation—for His good? Perhaps God has prepared us for such a time as this.

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Couple witnessing to a woman
A Stable Income with Eternal Benefits

The surge of COVID-19 has left many people longing for security and desiring to make the most of each day they are given. For people like John and Loy, using a Charitable Gift Annuity through The Gideons reaps spiritual returns far more significant than any earthly investments—while providing a continuing income for life.

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Woman reading a GideonCard
Serving That Looks Different

It’s no secret COVID-19 is changing the way people carry out daily activities. Yet, across the globe, people have learned to adjust and find creative ways to accomplish tasks and further relationships. For believers, a pandemic does not change the mission of reaching people for Jesus. It simply changes how we achieve that mission during this season.

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Overgrown Cross
A Singular Death; A Shared Victory

Each year, we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. As we move further into 2020, with all its tragedy and challenge, we celebrate Jesus’ victory over sin—snatching life from death, providing hope and healing, and helping us move from dark to light. Read how Gideons have shared the Good News of Christ’s triumph.

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Praying through Crisis
7 People to Pray for through Crisis

When Jesus taught His disciples to pray, He spoke of the Kingdom of God being lived out on Earth as it is in heaven. During these unprecedented times, we don’t have control of many areas of our lives, but we can still pray. Read more about ways you could pray for the people in your life.

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Impact Story
Unprecedented Times: Christians and COVID-19

We are living in unprecedented times. Yet nothing happening in our world today surprises our Heavenly Father. The way Christians engage and serve others may be the key to someone responding to Jesus in faith. Here is a word of encouragement from our Executive Director, Dan Heighway.

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Ron German speaks at International Convention
God Finishes the Good Work

At a young age, the Holy Spirit grabbed hold of Ron German. Even though he didn’t know at the time, the Lord wanted him to know Jesus. From a search in an encyclopedia to the different people God placed in His life, Ron’s journey shows the power of God’s finishing work.

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Susan Punt
God Never Changes

Susan Punt grew up in a wonderful home, yet, something was missing. She longed for the one thing that would never change in her life. Her story is one filled with God’s redemptive love, unending grace, and victorious mercy.

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El Salvador countryside
Scripture Blitz
Equipped for Every Good Work

The Word of God changes lives and equips believers for every good work. Recently, this powerful reality drove a team of Gideons and Auxiliary to reach the people of San Salvador, El Salvador, with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

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Gideons in Norway Associating on a ship
Featured Story
Our Need for Community

We were made for community, which is why associating together is a central part of what members experience in The Gideons International. When we walk through life with other believers, we profess our faith more boldly, lead with greater humility, and look to Him as the only source of everlasting hope.

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Pastor Mike Larson in his church
A Series of Left Turns

Sometimes we end up in the most random of places, wondering and worrying through the disarray or hopelessness in our lives. Then, God uses someone to show us He never leaves or forsakes His children. Mike Larsen’s life is a picture of God’s beautiful timing, and the left turns he has taken to be where he is today.

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Building Better Leaders
Building Better Leaders: Hold Your Expectations Loosely

Building Better Leaders is a three-part series of articles from Dr. Andrew Johnston, in which he shares strategic principles of effective leadership based on Biblical principles. In this final article, Dr. Johnston gives Christian leaders valuable thoughts on responding to God’s nudging during our own “well-laid plans.”

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Lessons from Bethlehem

Mary, Joseph, the shepherds, the wisemen— the story of Jesus’ birth includes the accounts of many individuals whose reactions and commitments can teach us much about how we should walk as Christians today. Keeping their examples in mind is yet another way we can keep Christmas in our hearts all year.

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Baby Jesus
Jesus, the Savior

In a humble stable in the city of Bethlehem, a baby was born in a feeding trough just as Scripture foretold. The Christmas story reminds us that Jesus came to accomplish what we could never do for ourselves—save us from our sins.

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The Wisemen Worshipped

The wisemen stopped at nothing until they found Jesus. In seeking His face, they found everything. Their story is one of true worship, and it is through their hearts for and commitment to the Lord, we learn to rejoice in the gift of our King.

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Shepherds before the angels
When Shepherds Step Out In Faith

On the evening of Jesus’ birth, shepherds were tending to their flock when an angel of the Lord appeared to them with news of the Savior’s birth. Suddenly their plans for the evening changed. What can we observe from the shepherds’ response that we can apply to our own lives?

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Mary prays for baby Jesus
The Surrender of Mary

In the Christmas story, Mary displays a heart of surrender as she committed herself joyfully to the mission. May we all surrender to God's plan and His will, so we may also say, “for he who is mighty has done great things for me, and holy his name.”

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Joseph and manger
The Obedience of Joseph

May we be like Joseph when unexpected situations arise in our lives. For when we humbly obey the Father, He can do incredible things in and through us.

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Casey Diaz
Calling New Shots

As a child, Casey Diaz was introduced to a world of violence and gang activity. He continued to spiral downhill as an adult, and discovered himself alone in a jail cell with a Testament given to him by a chaplain. What happened next can only be contributed to the grace of God and the power of His Gospel.

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Bonnie Barnett
From Darkness to Light

Bonnie Barnett walked through the church doors every Sunday, sat next to her father, listened to the sermon, and walked out unchanged. “I walked out unchanged because the Bible was never presented, and the Gospel was never proclaimed,” recalls Bonnie. However, God used His Word to radically move her from darkness to light in a way she never expected.

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Gideon witnessing to a man in a park
What Matters the Most

Every Christ follower is called to regularly share their faith—few actually do. No matter the reasons, God has called all believers to proclaim the Good News. Yet often, in the busyness of life, many Christians tend to focus on accomplishing a to-do list instead of living life on mission for Christ.

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Life Book handed by a student
Guest Contributor
Students, the Gospel, and a Mission Field

One of the most significant mission fields in the life of students is their school campus. However, over the last few decades, doors to hand out the Gospel in public schools have closed at an alarming rate. As schools have progressively become an unreached mission field in the USA, The Gideons International believes it is vital that students not miss out on receiving the precious gift of the Gospel.

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Pastor Doile reads a Gideon Testament
Finding True Meaning

David Doiel was raised in a non-Christian family with conflicting belief systems. In the midst of this upbringing, he started to wonder if anyone had the answers to life’s most pressing questions. His soul longed to find true meaning and purpose.

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Building Better Leaders: Turn up the Worth, Not the Work

Building Better Leaders is a three-part series of articles from Dr. Andrew Johnston, in which he shares strategic principles of effective leadership based on Biblical principles. In this second article, Dr. Johnston describes the importance of calling people to greater commitment.

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Praying with a Peruvian Man
Scripture Blitz
The Fragrance of Life

The apostle Paul writes in 2 Corinthians 2:14, “But thanks be to God, who in Christ always leads us in triumphal procession, and through us spreads the fragrance of the knowledge of him everywhere.” This past summer, members from several countries joined efforts in Piura, Peru, as God called them to be this same fragrance of life and share the Gospel.

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Elio reads his Bible
Set Free

Elio Fernandez’s childhood was not centered around Christian values, much less a daily adherence to the Word of God. However, after receiving a Scripture in a Cuba prison cell, Elio’s life was forever changed. Today, Elio recounts the most miraculous experience of his entire life, knowing God redeemed his life for a purpose.

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Dresden Family
An Unlikely Candidate

Steven Dresen was not the probable candidate to be voted most likely to succeed in pastoral ministry. However, on the night of his high school graduation rehearsal, a New Testament from The Gideons found its way into his hands. What would unfold next in Steven’s life is a testimony of God’s grace and provision.

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Handing a Testament to a nurse
One Heart, Thousands of Souls

God often shows His power during our greatest struggles. For Zuleika Camilo and her family, what seemed to be a hopeless situation has become a platform for Zuleika to share her faith. God continues to strengthen her testimony…and heal her grandson’s heart.

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Students with Blue Testaments
Not Just Free, Free Indeed

Around the world, people long for and fight for freedom. The tricky part about earthly freedom, though—the thing so many millions of people never understand—is that in this life, we’re never fully and completely free. The greatest freedom is liberty from the eternal penalty of sin through Jesus Christ.

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From a plane window
Freedom at 30,000 Feet in the Air

Born into a Jewish family, Terry Land experienced a traditional Jewish upbringing. However, when devout Christ-followers were placed in Terry’s path at a critical point in his search for truth, his faith journey would lead him to discover the reality of the Messiah who came and died for him.

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Building Better Leaders: How Doers Become Leaders

Building Better Leaders is a three-part series of articles from Dr. Andrew Johnston, in which he shares strategic principles of effective leadership based on Biblical principles. In this first article, Dr. Johnston describes a crucial difference between doers and leaders and equips leaders to empower their teams.

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Memorial Day
Sgt. Ron York Lives Again

While Sgt. Ron York was serving in the Marines, he accepted Jesus Christ as his Savior by way of a Testament from The Gideons. God has opened doors for Ron to share his story all over the world and with those who live right next door.

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Destination on Right: The Influence of Dr. Gladys West

If you were to invite company to your home from out of town, what directions would you give them? Perhaps, you would simply start by giving them your address. Next, they would plug that address into a smartphone’s maps application and, because of data that has been programmed and coded, the app would tell them turn-by-turn where to go. Because such technology is readily available, you can thank Dr. Gladys West, an Auxiliary from Sutherland, Virginia.

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Luke 22:42
Not My Will, But Yours

Every Easter, we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus and the hope it offers all believers. Yet, before the victory, there was agony. We must not miss the powerful lessons we can learn from His final hours.

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Gideon handing Scripture to Taiwanese girl
Featured Article
Sharing Hope: Ministry in Taiwan

In a country filled with traditional and folk religions that do not point people to Christ, Gideons and Auxiliary in Taiwan have the incredible opportunity to share the hope of the Gospel through business ventures, festivals, and personal testimony.

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Eddie & Kathy Rhodes
Why I’m a Member: Eddie & Kathy Rhodes

God has shown Eddie and Kathy Rhodes a lot through the years, and they have seen Him move in mighty ways. From sharing their faith to watching God move in the hearts and lives of younger generations, they feel blessed to be a part of The Gideons International.

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The Power of Mentorship

It’s the high school football coach. It’s the school teacher. It’s the leader. It’s the mentor—the people in our lives who deepen our walks with Jesus, push us to be better, and disciple us in maturity.

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Mike Johnson and Wife
Why I’m a Member: Mike Johnson

As Christ followers, we must be faithful and obedient to what God has called and empowered us to do as we reach people for Christ. Mike Johnson knows being a Gideon is about what God can do in and through a person for His glory.

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Student with Testament
Featured Article
Kingdom Work in the Dominican Republic

In the fall of 2018, a team of Gideons and Auxiliary gathered in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic for a Scripture event. They worked intentionally to connect church congregations, pastors, and Gideons, with the end goal being to reach the people of Santo Domingo for Christ.

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Kids in Ghana with New Testaments
Scripture Blitz
Open Doors and Hearts in Ghana

In November 2018, an international team of Gideons and Auxiliary set out to reach the people of Ghana with God’s Word. They would experience God opening doors and hearts for Gospel conversations that would leave a lasting impact.

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Apollo 8 Mission Control
The Christmas Eve When Gideon Scriptures Circled The Moon

On Christmas Eve of 1968, people throughout the world were watching a historic event unfold before their eyes. They were also listening to the three men at the center of that event, as they shared a message for all mankind.

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New York City
Scripture Blitz
Sharing Jesus in the Big Apple

New York City is a true melting pot, as men and women from all over the world settle in communities and neighborhoods often reflective of their homelands. In fall 2018, Gideons and Auxiliary had incredible opportunities to share Jesus with people in the Big Apple.

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Arthur Bush Testament
Featured Article
Why I'm a Member: Arthur Bush

God brings people into our lives who forever change our direction and ministry. Arthur Bush has experienced this in a powerful way, which has led to a calling and passion that will never leave him.

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Give Thanks
What It Really Means to Share Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is much more than sharing a meal or a polite response when you experience a kindness or receive a blessing. Thanksgiving is a vital aspect of our personal relationship with God.

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The Power of One New Testament

Perry Cartera grew up in a tension-filled home where she longed for her parents’ love. In high school, while struggling with issues of identity, acceptance, and guidance, she was given her very own New Testament from The Gideons. God’s Word would change her life and affect many more.

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Harlem Skyline
A Transformed Life in New York

Aulton Herbert, Jr. didn't grow up in church. He didn't know anything about Jesus and didn't want to know anything. Completely alone in a cold jail cell, Aulton fell to his knees and cried out to God.

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Ecuador Witnessing
Featured Article
God's Work in Ecuador

Time is a precious gift. As Christ followers, we must be passionate about reaching the lost for Christ. This past May, over 100 Christian business men and their wives, known as Gideons and Auxiliary, were in final preparations for the 2018 Ecuador International Scripture Blitz.

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Michael DiMarco
Michael DiMarco

Sometimes we have to hit rock bottom to realize Jesus is exactly who He says he is. He wants a personal relationship with us that invades every single part of our lives. After his own rock bottom experience, Michael DiMarco came to the beautiful realization that Jesus is supreme—no person or thing is greater.

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Carmen Powers and family on Motorcylce
God's Word for All Sinners

Carmen Powers is eternally grateful for a Gideon-placed Bible she found one evening in her hotel room. Throughout her life, God has always drawn her back to the Scriptures, and the power of His Word continues to guide her.

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Todd Keough
Todd Keough

Although Todd appeared busy with the things of God, a lull began to creep into his spiritual life. He started running in the hills of northern California to intentionally seek time with God, but the thought of the extra weight of a Bible on such a run almost made him give up. Then he remembered a small orange New Testament that been given to him.

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Vernard personal witnessing
Why I'm a Member: Vernard K. Williams

In the summer of 1978, Vernard decided that something was missing in his life. After coming under the conviction of the Holy Spirit, he accepted Jesus Christ as his savior. Hearing how God was using the Gideons, he quickly saw the ministry as an aircraft carrier for evangelism. He wanted to be on the front lines.

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Steve Simms Uniform
In the Shelter of the Most High

In 1967, Steve Simms was drafted to serve the United States Military in Vietnam. On the day he was mustered into the army at the military induction center in Syracuse, New York, he was handed a Service Testament by a Gideon. Simms carried the New Testament with him into battle, but he could never have foreseen the impact God's Word would have on him when he went through a life-changing, miraculous experience.

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Dan Heighway
Answering God's Call

Meet Dan Heighway, the new executive director of The Gideons International. He will be the first to tell you this is not a path he ever dreamed the Lord would have chosen for him. However, Dan will also tell you never to assume you know the Lord's desire until you seek Him diligently.

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Miami Beach Sign
Scripture Blitz
God's Word Touches Lives in Miami Beach/Florida Keys

In late January, about 50 Christian businessmen and their wives, who serve as Gideons and Auxiliary, came together for the Miami Beach/Florida Keys Scripture Blitz. This outreach event drew members from all over the United States and as far away as Alaska. 

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Snowboarder Halfpipe
Olympic Medalist Discovers Christ

More than 2,900 athletes representing 92 nations are currently competing in the 2018 Olympic Winter Games in Pyeongchang, South Korea. One particular athlete's success as an Olympian is just part of her journey to a purposeful life.

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Sheri Boon
Seeking to be Found

As as teenager, Sheri had all of the material possessions that would make her happy, but she lacked joy in her life. Her longing for answers to life's questions was fulfilled when she encountered the truth of Jesus.

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Glen Keane Sketching
Featured Article
Tale as Old as Time

Glen was raised Catholic, but by the time he began studying under the Disney giants, he felt faith no longer relevant to his life. Instead, he immersed himself in the world of illustration. However, while he was growing outwardly as an artist, something else was happening in his heart. 

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Medical Bible
A Healed Heart

A well-educated medical professional with multiple Ph.D.s and a reputable teaching position, Ron could tell he was in critical condition. In fact, he appeared to be hanging on by a thread. At that point, he knew of only one place to turn. 

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Pastor Payton praying with man
Featured Article
Walking by Faith

A young boy's emotional pain leads him down the path of destruction. And then, a Gideon walked into his jail with God's Word. 

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Man witnessing to woman
Taking the Gospel to the People in Kansas City

When our members gathered in Kansas City this past July for our International Convention, they took time to share the Gospel with people they encountered in hotels, restaurants, and on the sidewalks. Here are just a few testimonies from those moments.

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Man holding arrowheads
More than an Artifact

Greg Blood enjoys sharing about Native American history and artifacts—almost as much as sharing about what the Lord has done in his life. Though his passion for life and the Lord is evident to anyone who knows him, the journey to where his is today has been nothing short of rocky.

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Paraguay students with New Testaments
Scripture blitz
Gods Word Ascends On Asuncion

In April, Gideons and Auxiliary in Paraguay held an International Scripture Blitz in the capital city of Asuncion. An international team of Gideons from the USA and South Africa traveled to Paraguay to assist their brothers and sisters in sharing God's Word during the one-week blitz.

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Spanish Man with New Testament
Scripture blitz
Madagascar and Spain: Two Blitzes, One Purpose

In the two International Scripture Blitzes that were complete opposites on many levels, God worked through Gideons and Auxiliary to accomplish a single purpose: sharing the Gospel.

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Korean Pow Testament
Featured Article
In the Shadow of Death

William Funchess was serving as 1st Lieutenant in the United States Army when he was taken captive as a POW in 1950 in North Korea. Night approached and a bitter cold began to settle in. As William shivered in the darkness, he felt something in his chest pocket. It was a New Testament bearing the Gideon emblem. 

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reading the Bible
guest contributor
Reclaiming the Lost Art of Biblical Meditation

From 35 years of experience as a pastor to 35 self-authored books in print, Robert J. Morgan has a passion for God's Word. His most recent work focuses on Biblical meditation and why this discipline is important for believers. Read more from Morgan's perspective in this guest blog.

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Iron Worker Blog Thumbnail
A Building Collapses and a New Life is Built

Laymon was working on a construction site in Arkansas when a building collapsed, injuring him and killing two men by his side. While recovering in a hospital bed, Laymon encountered the truth of the Gospel through a Gideon-placed Bible. Here is Laymon's story, in his own words.

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Guatemala Blitz Thumbnail Image
Scripture Blitz
"Dios Te Ama" (God Loves You)

The history of Guatemala bears many scars, brought by years of conflict imposed from within and without, but the people have shown impressive resilience and potential. Specifically, the Christian faith has remained strong in Guatemala, and the people are eager for more of the Gospel.

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Carlos Daniel Vasquez in prison with a New Testament
Freedom Behind Bars

On March 16, 2017, Gideons in the Dominican Republic participated in a distribution at a police station. After providing each officer with a New Testament, the Gideons received permission to distribute New Testaments and speak to prisoners being held at the police station.

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He is Risen

When Jesus prayed in the garden of Gethsemane before His crucifixion – agreeing to carry out His Father’s will though it included measureless agony – He thought not just of His approaching death, nor His faithless disciples, nor the cruel betrayal of a friend.

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Jimmy Fortune on Guitar
A Voice and a Vision

Jimmy began to show musical inclination from a young age, and in time began to reveal a great talent. His voice and skill with a guitar developed with each small, local performance. While many genres have informed his taste and style, Gospel music was his first love. The messages contained within Gospel were foundational in both Jimmy’s career and Christian faith.

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Hotel Desk with Bible
From Restlessness to Rest

I had given my life to Jesus as Lord and Savior some years before, and I was growing more committed to living out my faith. I continually prayed, “Lord, what will it mean for me to be fully committed to You?” Still, I remained restless within. I had known for some time I was being called in a different direction. However, I seemed powerless to move ahead.

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A Suicidal Veteran Finds Everlasting Hope

When Ray woke up that cold, overcast winter morning in Appleton, Wisconsin, he wished he hadn’t. He lay in bed thinking life was no longer worth living. The 52-year-old Army veteran had become addicted to the prescription medications he was taking for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and he was struggling with alcohol abuse.

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Faith in Flight

Captain “Siva” Sivaraman began flying planes at 18, and the young pilot’s talent was sought out early by Malaysia Airlines. As his promising career unfolded, his job regularly placed him in hotels. Over time, he began to take notice of the Bibles frequently found in these rooms, and he grew curious. As he began to read, the words spoke to him. “It was like a voice calling to me,” he said. Captain Siva began to encounter God slowly, yet steadily, through the Gideon-placed Bibles he returned to on many quiet, solitary nights.

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Featured Article
Everest: A Journey of Faith

In addition to his passion for sharing God’s Word, 71-year-old Les Connell has a love for climbing mountains. Last September, that thirst for adventure put Les on the journey of a lifetime.

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A Pocket Full of Power

I grew up in Northern Virginia, in a town called Manassas. I had loving parents who did everything in their power to raise me and my siblings right; they just didn’t take us to church. I remember making wrong decisions so many times growing up. I was a bad kid – a liar, addict, alcoholic, and blasphemer.

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Raised in a Family of Substance Abuse

He was selling drugs by 12, and collecting money for other drug dealers by 17. After committing several crimes and running from the law, he was arrested. During his time in prison, Pat was visited by a Gideon.

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I Wanted to be a Missionary

When I was a child, I wanted to be a missionary. I thought it would be great to tell others about Jesus and to help people get to heaven through those efforts. However, that didn’t work out, and I’ve only been on one mission trip in my lifetime. It was a great experience that helped me appreciate what I had, and it deepened my desire to help others find salvation, but I still didn’t know how to approach strangers and ask them if they knew Jesus.

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I Didn't Care if I Lived or Died

From an early age, Ryan Reis was exposed to the allure of sin. As a young adult, he found himself far from God. Temptation grabbed hold of him, and Ryan followed it to extremes. Ryan was thriving in his career, experiencing every comfort and worldly pleasure, but he was decaying within.

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Serving the Lord, While Serving up Great Food

If you’re driving through Crossville, Tennessee, and ask locals to recommend a great spot for delicious barbecue, they will likely point you to Lefty’s Barbecue. Lefty’s is owned by Bill Sanders, a faithful Christian. Bill also serves in the Crossville Camp of The Gideons International.

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The 2016 Haiti International Scripture Blitz

Weeks before traveling to Haiti, Tim McCormick was standing in the middle of New York City’s Times Square hoping for a personal witnessing opportunity to share the Gospel with someone who did not know Jesus. Even with thousands of people all around, the 58-year-old poultry breeder from Blackville, South Carolina, was still challenged to find anyone there who would stop long enough to talk.

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Peace on Earth and Goodwill to Men

Christmas provides the counter-cultural opportunity to simplify. Before we sought any comforts of the world, we were sought first.

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An Urban Harvest

New York City can be a place of unpredictability. Almost nothing is unheard of in this dynamic center of world influence and contrast. When a team of Gideons participated in a Metropolitan Scripture Blitz to the city earlier this year, the experience matched the reputation of the city in excitement and wonder.

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The Hotel Bible Placement That Made History

In the early 1900s, a railroad expansion into Superior opened a new route for more goods and people to flow in and out of town. One of the people working on that expansion project was Archie Bailey, an accountant for a railroad contractor. Archie was a regular guest at the Superior Hotel. He was also a Gideon.

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God's Word Lights Up The Holidays

Lowell “Bud” Paxton’s broadcasting career led him from radio to TV and the birth of the Home Shopping Network. He was flourishing, yet his business ventures kept him busy and away from home, so much that he did not realize his marriage was failing. On Christmas morning, 1986, at the height of his business success, Bud’s life hit rock bottom.

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Light for Darkened Alleys

For many, the presence of sin in their lives is an idea that is staunchly resisted. After all, no one wishes to feel evil or desperate. But for others, the course of their life brings undeniable awareness of the severity of the human condition. Such is the framework for JC’s story.

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At The Stairs

During a recent International Scripture Blitz, Gideons were distributing Scriptures at the National University of Mexico.

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The 2016 Mexico International Scripture Blitz

As Christian business and professional men and their wives dedicated to telling people about Jesus Christ, Gideons go into the world sharing copies of God’s Word. During an International Scripture Blitz, such as the one that took place for two weeks this October in Mexico, local members as well as several members from around the world, distribute Scriptures and share their faith with others all day long.

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Ride For Christ

Brent Young is a 54-year-old Gideon from Warsaw, Missouri. Like many of his fellow Gideons, he enjoys watching people come to Christ, handing out the Word of God, and hearing testimonies of how God is changing lives around the world. However, Young’s ministry is unique in one way – he operates from the saddle of a red Trek bicycle.

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A Pastor Calls Churches to Unite in Prayer

In the middle of a worship service during the summer of 2016, Pastor Kenny received the breaking news of the shooting of five police officers in Dallas. Shocked and heartbroken, the pastor immediately shared the tragic news with the congregation and called upon the church to pray. “This killing has got to stop,” he told them.

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The Power of A New Testament

Last week, Gideons conducted the 2016 Botswana International Scripture Blitz. Early counts place the total number of Scriptures distributed at around 70,000 copies of God’s Word. The blitz team members witnessed more than 700 people pray to receive Jesus as Lord and Savior.

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A Road Trip Leads to a Hotel Bible

On a cold, dreary night in the 1970’s, a young hotel executive was driving to Washington, D.C. With his career taking off and in love with his future bride, one might think there was nothing Shahn Wilburn lacked. However, deep inside his heart, Shan knew something was missing. On that night, he began to ponder the question, “If I were to die, where would I spend eternity?”

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Tragedy Inspires A Song

The song “God Will Make A Way” has been sung by millions during worship in churches throughout the world. And while you may know the song, what you may not know is the story behind it. The song was written by Don Moen, a Dove Award-winning songwriter in Nashville, TN whose songs and recordings have sold millions of copies.

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From Prisoner to Pastor

I was born in Baltimore, Maryland. Both my parents were heavily involved with drugs and alcohol. When I was younger, my mom took us to church, but that soon ended…

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A Case of Miracles

The hallways of James Buchanan High School are filled with students representing small-town life in Mercersburg, Pennsylvania. Like most high school students, some strive for excellence in the classroom, while others push their limits on the field. Then there are those like Violet Clark—enthusiastic, a dreamer—those who exude joy and a heart for the Lord in everything they do.

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Equipping the World's Military for Spiritual Battle

As Christians, we are all called into a spiritual battle. Ours is a fight for the hearts of men, women, boys, and girls. By sharing God’s Word with the military, Gideons are equipping servicemen and servicewomen with the greatest weapon of all.

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A Welcome Comfort To Hotel Guests

A single copy of God’s Word in a hotel room has the potential to touch up to 2,300 lives during its six-year life span. Over the years, we have received countless testimonies from individuals who have encountered these Bibles and whose lives have been forever changed as a result.

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Room For Love

The most familiar words in all the letters to the Corinthians lie in 1 Corinthians 13. In an effort to remind ourselves of the impact of these truths, consider these verses and themes Paul writes about to the church in Corinth.

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Featured Story
A Life of Ministry

Jason and Paula Hall became members of The Gideons International in 2005. They joined with a desire to impact lives with the Gospel. Along the way, they discovered ministry had a way of making just as big an impact on their lives as well.

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Featured Article
Awakening in Nyeri

Deep in the Central Highlands of Southwestern Kenya, two lone men sat on the side of a steep mountain road. Their truck had lost its hard-fought battle against the road’s spongy orange clay, and it rested idly a few feet away from them, useless.

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Featured Article
Ministry Behind Bars

Gideons and Auxiliary have been distributing Scriptures to those in jails and prisons since 1916. No matter what the circumstances, there has always been a passion to get God’s Word behind bars.

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Finding Encouragment

Daniel Silguero found encouragement to face leukemia through his regular reading of a New Testament received from a Gideon.

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God Brings A Harvest In Uganda

Daniel Silguero found encouragement to face leukemia through his regular reading of a New Testament received from a Gideon.

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Gideons Bring Living Water To Uganda

Gideons and Auxiliary hosted the 2016 Uganda International Scripture Blitz in the cities of Hoima and Masindi.

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Gideons Partner Across The World To Reach The Lost for Christ

The Gideons International partners with churches in 200 countries, territories and possessions to help reach the lost with God’s Word. Ultimately, this results in more men, women, boys, and girls coming to know Jesus as Lord and Savior.

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Ride for Christ

Brent Young is a 54-year-old Gideon from Warsaw, Missouri. Like many of his fellow Gideons, he enjoys watching people come to Christ, handing out the Word of God, and hearing testimonies of how God is changing lives around the world. However, Young’s ministry is unique in one way—he operates from the saddle of a red Trek bicycle.

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Sharing God’s Word On Rocky Soil

Gideons in Malaysia welcomed Gideons from other parts of the world as they came together to witness and share God’s Word during the 2016 Malaysia International Scripture Blitz.

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From Prisoner To Professor

Chris Yuan Testimony from The Gideons International on Vimeo.

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A Child Of God Whose Life Touched Many

Mary Kay Beard passed into the presence of the Lord. As a frequent speaker at events of The Gideons International, she shared the powerful testimony of how Jesus changed her life. And there’s no doubt her story will continue to inspire those who hear it.

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In the Aftermath of Ecuador’s Earthquake, Gideons Share the Hope of Jesus with Survivors

As faithful Christians, Gideons and their wives are dedicated to telling people about Jesus, no matter what the circumstances.

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Gideons And Auxiliary Share God’s Word During USA Scripture Blitzes

As faithful Christians, Gideons and their wives are dedicated to telling people about Jesus, no matter what the circumstances.

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The 2016 Venezuela International Scripture Blitz

Gideons in Venezuela welcomed an international team of Gideons from the United States and Australia to conduct a Scripture blitz in the city of Puerto la Cruz.

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The Atlanta Scripture Blitz: Getting Scriptures Into People’s Hands And Smartphones

This week, Gideons and Auxiliary were sharing God’s Word in the city of Atlanta, Georgia. Scriptures were shared in a number of locations including hotels, motels, medical offices, hospitals, nursing homes, and police precincts

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A Road Trip Leads To A Hotel Bible

On a cold, dreary night in the 1970’s, a young hotel executive was driving to Washington, D.C. With his career taking off and in love with his future bride, one might think there was nothing Shahn Wilburn lacked.

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Easter 2016: A Reminder We Have An Eternal Hope

One simply needs to read the daily news headlines to know we live in a fallen world. Of course, mankind’s struggle against evil is documented all throughout Scripture.

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Gideons Share Over 150,000 Scriptures In Kenya

Teams of Gideons from Kenya, as well as from other countries, conducted an International Scripture Blitz throughout Nyeri, Kenya. In just five days, the teams visited 607 schools and placed over 150,000 copies of God’s Word.

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How Does God’s Word Get Into Prisons?

Gideons and Auxiliary placed and distributed over 1.5 million Bibles and New Testaments in prisons, as well as in jails and other correctional facilities.

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An Interview With Pastor Michael Catt

How does a small town pastor in Georgia end up serving as executive producer for multiple motion pictures? That was just one of the questions we had for Pastor Michael Catt who serves as the Pastor of Sherwood Baptist Church in Albany, Georgia.

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A Father’s Love Letter Comes Full Circle

On the outside, it looked like one of millions of other hotel Bibles placed by The Gideons. However, when Rodney Jones, a Nashville-area Gideon opened it, he discovered this copy of God’s Word contained an extra message–one that would bring him and many others to tears.

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The 2016 Philippines International Scripture Blitz

Gideons and Auxiliary from the Philippines conducted the 2016 Philippines International Scripture Blitz.

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Gods Word: A Welcome Comfort To Hotel Guests

Bibles in bedside drawers are a convenience hotel guests have come to expect. After all, what else could bring as much comfort to a weary traveler as reading God’s Word?

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Preparing For Heaven

December 22, 2015, was one of the busiest days in our family business. We manufacture and sell granite cemetery markers and monuments. Around 2:00 pm, an elderly woman came to our office reception area, and I immediately sensed an urgency in her countenance.

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How To Make An Eternal Difference While Freeing Up Space In Your House

If you’re looking to discover new ways to reach others for Christ, here’s a thought: what if you could donate non-cash items ranging from mobile phones and retail gift cards to jewelry and automobiles, so copies of God’s Word could be placed in waiting hands throughout the world?

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2015: A Year Of Seeing People Place Faith In Jesus

During 2015, we’ve shared stories of Gideons and Auxiliary as they distributed over 2.1 million Scriptures in 15 International Scripture Blitzes and over a half million Scriptures in ten USA Metro Scripture Blitzes.

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Merry Christmas

On Christmas Eve, 1968, the world watched in awe as a live camera aimed out the Apollo 8 spacecraft window and focused on the moon, while the Apollo astronauts took turns reading aloud from the first chapter of Genesis.

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Prodigal Turns Pastor

Marty Brauer was raised in a Christian home. In the fifth grade, he had an unusual vision of white gates opening and Jesus coming toward him with His arms open. At that point, Marty knew God was calling him to serve the Lord. He said to himself, “I am going to be a pastor.”

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Italy International Scripture Blitz

Our ministry was organized in Italy in 1965 and since then over nine million Scriptures have been distributed there through The Gideons International. The country is a heavily saturated in very traditional Roman Catholicism, which over 80% of the population claims as their religious affiliation.

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Bolivia International Scripture Blitz

Bolivia is a beautiful country in South America surrounded by a long stretch of the Andean mountains. It makes you think of Psalm 27:4, “…to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord.

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A Christmas Gift to Outlive an Evergreen

This time of the year, we start looking over Christmas lists and making plans to buy the best for those we love. So, we get up early, cut coupons, and stand in long lines to get the best deals.

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The 2015 Mexico International Scripture Blitz

There were many opportunities for Gideons and their wives to talk one-on-one with people they encountered throughout the city.

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USA Scripture Blitz Updates

Gideons and their wives participated in Scripture blitzes across the country, going coast to coast for Jesus. During a Scripture blitz, we reach as many people with a copy of God’s Word as we can make available within a week or weekend.

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The 2015 Thailand International Scripture Blitz

In September, Gideons in Thailand conducted a one-week International Scripture Blitz. Gideons from the USA, Korea, and the British Isles traveled to be a part of this opportunity to share God’s Word with the people of Thailand in hopes of reaching the lost for Christ.

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Almost 50,000 Scriptures Shared in Lesotho

Gideons in Lesotho organized an International Scripture Blitz in the city of Qacha’s Nek and the surrounding areas. They were met in the capital city of Maseru by Gideons from several other countries to participate in the one-week blitz on the continent of Africa.

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The 2015 New York City Scripture Blitz

Gideons in New York City welcomed Gideons and Auxiliary from 17 other states as they came together to participate in the 2015 New York City Scripture Blitz.

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The 2015 Argentina International Scripture Blitz

Gideons in Argentina welcomed an international team of Gideons from South Africa, the United Kingdom, and the USA. For the next week, these brothers in Christ would share copies of God’s Word in the northern city of Cordoba.

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Gideons Reach Out To Families Displaced By California Wildfires

Peter Zacharoff, a member of The Gideons International, was attending a prayer breakfast at the Black Bear Diner in Napa, California. He and his fellow Gideon brothers in Christ had no idea that just over the ridge, a fire had sparked that would soon destroy an entire valley, claim at least three lives, and destroy over five hundred homes with thousands more in its path.

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Testimony: Bill Saye

During the 1970s, Bill Saye ran the largest drug operation in the USA. However, his criminal activity carried devastating consequences for him and his family.

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Testimony: Alan Robison

Alan Robison grew up attending church with his mom and dad every week. However, as he grew into an adult, he fell into alcoholism. On the outside, he appeared fine. He had a good job and provided for his wife and children. But on the inside, he was empty.

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Testimony: Reverend Pat Shelton

For 27 years, a Gideon visited Pat Shelton in jail. Each time, the Gideon told Pat, “Jesus loves you, and I love you.“

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Gideons Present Commemorative Scripture To President Of Malawi

Gideons in Malawi presented a 2 Billionth Commemorative Bible to Arthur Peter Mutharika, President of Malawi.

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God Gets A Drug Dealer’s Attention

By the age of 27, Phil DelRe was a cocaine addict and a major cocaine dealer in the Chicago area.

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Gideons Share Christ’s Love And The Gospel In San Jose

During last week’s International Convention of The Gideons International, nearly 2,000 members from 97 countries gathered in San Jose, where most of them participated in opportunities to share God’s Word.

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The 2015 Nicaragua International Scripture Blitz

In late June, Gideons and Auxiliary in Nicaragua carried out the 2015 Nicaragua International Scripture Blitz. Members and supporters from around the world were praying for open doors to place God’s Word in schools, jails and hospitals.

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God Is At Work, Even During Recess

Gideons recently conducted an International Scripture Blitz in Nicaragua during June, distributing over 95,000 copies of God’s Word in one week.

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Reunited Through Christ

When I joined The Gideons International thirty years ago, it was to win men, women, boys, and girls to Christ. Soon after, I volunteered through my church to visit a housing project, Crawford Village. It was an area with many children. I volunteered to assist there with Bible school.

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Win The World Through Gods Word

Today, there are approximately 7.3 billion people in the world. At least two-thirds of these do not know Jesus as their Lord and Savior.

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Pastor Timothy Mattox: From Darkness To Light

Tim Mattox was born and raised by his mother in the USA, where he lived a fairly normal life until he reached his early teens.

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Video Testimony: Michael Williams

Watch the story of how a young man in the US Navy discovers the gripping truth of Gods Word while hundreds of feet below sea level.

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Video: Every Heartbeat

Did you know every time your heart beats, Gideons place two copies of God’s Word somewhere around the world?

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The 2015 Chile International Scripture Blitz

Gideons and Auxiliary in Chile conducted an International Scripture Blitz. During the two-week event, they placed and distributed over a half million copies of God’s Word at schools, colleges, hotels, medical facilities, and prisons. The local members were greatly encouraged to have 23 Gideons traveling from around the world to help them share the Gospel in the cities of Santiago, Concepcion, and Valparaiso.

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The 2015 Ecuador International Scripture Blitz

he South American country of Ecuador is home to approximately 15.5 million people. This past April, local Gideons and their wives, along with a team of international members, distributed over 200,000 copies of God’s Word to the people of Ecuador; to schools, colleges, medical centers and prisons.

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Pastor’s Point: Pointing to Jesus

One day, Pastor Brett Meador had an appointment at his office at Athey Creek Christian Fellowship in Wilsonville, Oregon. That individual didn’t arrive. However, in the Lord’s perfect timing, someone else did show up at the church’s door.

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A Young Student Expresses His Gratitude

In April, Gideons conducted an International Scripture Blitz ((ISB) in Chile. Here is just one of the many testimonies already received from that blitz.

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Gideons Distribute Historic Two Billionth Scripture

The Gideons International has just surpassed the two billion mark in distributing Bibles and New Testaments.

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A Hotel Bible Is An Answer To Prayer

This letter we recently received is a reminder that we never know how God can orchestrate the placement of a Hotel Bible to accomplish His will:

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An Incredible Work

Recently we received the following letter from Ann, whose life was touched by a Scripture placed in her hands by a Gideon on a college campus

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Easter 2015: God’s Word Is Alive

Today, we still find our confidence and hope for the future in the promises of God’s Word. During the Easter season, Christians around the world rejoice because we know Jesus is alive.

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Touching Lives in Louisiana: The 2015 Lafayette Scripture Blitz

The Lord opened doors in the South as Gideons spent time out and about in Lafayette, Louisiana and the surrounding communities.

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What Happens To All Those Scriptures?

We recently received this testimony of how a Gideon-placed Scripture touched the life of a young boy whom God would use to touch the lives of so many others.

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The 2015 Rwanda International Scripture Blitz

Gideons in Rwanda’s capital city of Kigali were joined by Gideons from the USA and Australia. For one week they journeyed into the remote reaches of Rwanda to place copies of God’s Word into the hands of tens of thousands of people.

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Tanzania: Reaching Great Heights With God’s Word

Tanzania is located in East Africa and best known for Mount Kilimanjaro, the highest peak on the continent.

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A Picture-Perfect Life Gets Turned Upside Down

We recently received the following testimony of how a Gideon-placed Scripture impacted a family and would like to share it with you.

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Pastor Brett Dinger: Innovative Thinking In A Small Community

Raised In A Gideon Environment Growing up in Pennsylvania, Brett Dinger was no stranger to church.

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Discovering Jesus Is Not Just Another God

My name is Satabdi. I was born in an orthodox Hindu family in Calcutta, India. My family believes all religions lead to the same path and all gods are the same spirit by different names.

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From Prisoner to Pastor

I was born in Baltimore, Maryland. Both my parents were heavily involved with drugs and alcohol. When I was younger, my mom took us to church but that soon ended. So did my parents’ marriage.

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Students Are Coming To Christ Through The Life Book

More than one million teenagers have been involved in giving the gift of the Gospel through sharing The Life Book. What is The Life Book? We’re glad you asked.

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The 2014 Dominican Republic International Scripture Blitz

In November, local Gideons in the Dominican Republic’s capital city of Santo Domingo conducted an International Scripture Blitz.

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Blessings in Belgium: The 2014 Belgium International Scripture Blitz

“Do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry” was the theme of the International Scripture Blitz in Belgium, home to 11 million citizens.

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Saint Martin Is Opened As Country Number 200

The Gideons International is pleased to announce that Saint Martin, located in the Caribbean, is the 200th country organized by The Gideons International.

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Hong Kong International Scripture Blitz

Sharing God’s Word On Hong Kong’s Campuses

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People Who Inspired Us In 2014

In 2014, we were honored to share with you many stories of people who have been impacted by God’s Word being placed around the world.

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A Savior Is Born

To all our members, pastors, donors, Friends, and other supporters, thank you for your prayers and support this year to help spread God’s Word.

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Letters From Prison

The Gideons International places over 1,300,000 Scriptures in prisons and detention centers around the world each year. Here are two recent letters from inmates who received Christ through reading the Word of God.

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Gideons Bring The Word To Ghana

The sun beat down in the unrelenting stream of 110 degree heat of Africa in November. Unhindered by the extreme conditions, Gideons diligently piled boxes of Scriptures into cars, anxious to begin the 2014 Ghana International Scripture Blitz.

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The Day Gideons Showed Up At An Australian School

Nearly 20 years ago, Gideons visited a high school in Australia to distribute New Testaments. While some of the students discarded their new, red Scriptures, one student remembers keeping his. Luke Harris even remembered one of the Gideons saying, “These Bibles are red on the outside, and we hope for them to be read on the inside.”

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God Opens The Door For Country 199 – St. Barthelemy

The Gideons International is pleased to announce the opening of Country 199, St. Barthelemy. The country has a population of 9,000. The first camp opened on November 9 with seven Gideons and five Auxiliary.

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A Special Day In The History Of The Gideons International

A Gideon named Archie Bailey approached the operator of the Superior Hotel to ask a favor. Would he allow Mr. Bailey to place Bibles in the guest rooms? Permission was granted, and on November 9, 1908, Bailey placed the first order for hotel Bibles with The Gideons International.

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USA Scripture Blitz Updates

This fall, Gideons and Auxiliary members participated in over ten Scripture blitzes across the United States. Scripture blitzes are organized distributions of Scripture to cities or large urban areas with the goal of saturating the region with the Word of God. Here are a few Blitz reports from across America.

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A Bible Burner, Transformed

My name is Ravi. I was raised in an orthodox upper-caste family in India. My father was very strict and controlling. I was a devotee of Hindu and read most of the eastern religion books, careful to follow all the rituals with utmost dedication.

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Through the Windy City

Chicago is the third most populated city in the USA. With a culture of many different people groups, the Chicago metro area is filled with opportunities for God to work among the nations--all within this single city.

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Loves Comes Full Circle

Over seventeen years ago, I was invited to give my testimony at the Jones County Jail in Ellisville, MS. I didn’t hesitate to accept. I’ve never been behind prison bars, but I have been in bondage by the chains of my own sin.

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The 2014 NYC Scripture Blitz: Sharing God’s Word In The Big Apple

“Everything we do in New York City is big,” says Tor Torkelsen, the team leader for the New York City Scripture Blitz. He points out that Gideons encounter great opportunities as well as some challenges in sharing Scriptures each year during the event. This year’s blitz was no different.

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The 2014 Kenya ISB: Speeding Ahead With God’s Word

Inspired by Paul’s prayer request in 2 Thessalonians 3:1, Gideons and Auxiliary made that passage their theme verse for the two-week International Scripture Blitz (ISB) this September in Nairobi, Kenya.

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Addicted to the Word

In middle school, I remember a Gideon handed me a New Testament after class. I was raised in a Christian home and thought I knew all there was to know about being a Christian, so I set the book aside for several years.

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From the Inside Out

My name is Ramona, and this is the short version of how God saved my life

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Video: The Testimony of Danny Demonbreun

Danny knew about Jesus from his early years of always being taken to church by his mother. When he was a teenager, she died and Danny began to raise himself on drugs and alcohol. His pattern of self-abuse kept him in and out of jail.

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A Friend Forever

My name is Edwin and I’m from United Arab Emirates. This July I travelled to the International Convention of The Gideons International in Philadelphia to meet with other Gideons from around the world.

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Video Testimony: Almost Calling It Quits

After being abused by his parents and foster parents, Joe decided he’d had enough. He “made a deal with God” that if his life wasn’t better by a certain day, he was going to “call it quits.”

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The Churchs Front Door

Raised in a Jehovah’s Witness home, Alan struggled to obey his parents and had difficulty grasping the real purpose of his life.

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How One New Testament Changed A Family Legacy

Judy was given her first New Testament as a nursing student. Judy’s story doesn’t end with her own salvation. She went back home to share what God had done in her life. Listen to how her family legacy was changed by the power of just one New Testament.

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Growing Up Desperate For Hope

I grew up in a very abusive and depressed family. The only time I ever heard the Lord’s name was in vain. We did not go to church because my dad was disillusioned with church and religion.

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God Opens The Doors For Country 198 – Cook Islands

The Gideons International is pleased to announce the opening of Country 198, Cook Islands. The country has a population of 20,000 of which 55% are Protestant.

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Waking Up To Discover Gods Word

When I learned of my pregnancy, I thought it was the worst thing that had ever happened to me. Looking back, I now realize my son is one of the greatest blessings God has ever given me. After two failed marriages, it is my son who continues to show me unconditional love.

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Generations Of A Family Touched By A Gideon-Placed Scripture Visit Gideon Headquarters

In June, a pastor from the Philippines and his family visited the headquarters of The Gideons International. That visit by Pio Tica and his wife, along with his son’s family, was a powerful reminder of the impact that just one copy of God’s Word can make.

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The 2014 Malaysia International Scripture Blitz: Overcoming The Challenges

A team of Gideons from the U.S. flew to Kota Kinabalu, Saba in early May where they served with 75 local Gideons and Auxiliary, sharing God’s Word in the 2014 Malaysia International Scripture Blitz.

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A Heart In Need Of The Ultimate Repair

Recently, an Auxiliary widow shared with us about a divine appointment she encountered. We’d like to share her story with you.

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Salvation At The Scene Of A Deadly Accident

A call came over the police radio of a young Kentucky Department of Transportation officer. According to the emergency dispatch, there was an accident with injuries just outside of Hazard, Kentucky. The officer rushed to the scene.

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Gideons Share God’s Word In Indianapolis

A Gideon shares a Scripture with a young lady during a distribution at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis. © 2014 The Gideons International.

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God Opens Doors In Columbus, Ohio Scripture Blitz

In early April, 184 Gideons and Auxiliary participated in the 2014 Scripture Blitz in Columbus, Ohio. By the end of the week-long event, more than 46,000 copies of God’s Word had been placed and distributed in the Columbus area.

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The 2014 Salt Lake City Blitz

“The Lord really blessed the Salt Lake City Blitz,” says Ken Anderson, who served in the blitz. The event took place in early April. Three times as many Gideons showed up this year compared to the last blitz held there five years ago.

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Video: The Testimony Of Martha Hawkins

As a single mom, raising four kids, Martha was overwhelmed by life. So she decided to end it. But through a Gideon-placed Bible, she would discover a whole new life God had waiting for her.

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God’s Word Shared in Dallas, Texas

More than 300 Gideons and Auxiliary distributed over 256,000 copies of God’s Word during April in Dallas, Texas. More than 20 salvation testimonies were recorded during the week’s events.

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From Hopeless To Saved

We don’t know exactly why Rudy felt compelled to ask a Gideon for a copy of God’s Word last month. But he did. And that question launched a discussion that would be the most important conversation of Rudy’s life.

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Six Days and Nights with God

My name is Mike Nicholas. I grew up in a broken home and was forced to live with many people: grandparents, an uncle, an aunt, church members, and whoever else would take me in.

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No Regrets

On March 26, 1975, I gave every part of my being, heart, mind, and soul to Jesus Christ as my Savior. I never even had a second thought about it.

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The Night That Changed My Life

For many years I struggled with drugs and alcohol. I have been to jail several times and have been to two rehab centers. Yet I called myself a Christian because I attended Alaska Christian College and had heard about God.

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Overcoming Snow Storms And Volcanoes To Share God’s Word In Indonesia

After being guided by the Lord through the many travel obstacles, the team members finally all arrived in Jakarta, Indonesia and were warmly welcomed by the local Gideons. It was time to go share God’s Word.

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In Search Of Eden

It might seem all but impossible for someone to find spiritual truth while growing up where many religions have been spawned. Especially when born into a family with religious roots stretching back for generations.

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As Far As The East Is From The West

While conducting Scripture distributions at the University of Georgia campus recently, Gideons gave a New Testament to a student named Xiaomin. A Gideon then shared John 3:16, printed in Chinese, Xiaomin’s native language.

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Sharing The Gospel In Guyana

In late January of 2014, an international team of Gideons from the U.S. and British Isles traveled to Georgetown, Guyana to conduct a one-week International Scripture Blitz. The blitz was the response to a need to place Scriptures and win souls to the Lord in this South American country.

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Bank Robber Encounters God’s Word

Abdul was born in Ghana. His father was a spiritualist and Abdul was initiated into his father’s religion. The boy dropped out of school at a young age, began running with a gang of criminals, and became an armed robber.

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A God-Sized Goal For Greensboro

While planning for this February’s Metro Scripture Blitz in Greensboro, North Carolina, team leaders set an original goal of 30,000 Scriptures. However, as the blitz drew closer, Gideons felt the Holy Spirit’s urge toward an even greater number. With much prayer and planning, the blitz leaders decided on a greater goal of 65,000.

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A Letter From Rebekah

For many young people, college is a time when they are making decisions about their life that will impact them for years to come. And no decision will have a greater impact on a student’s life than a decision to receive Jesus as Lord and Savior. Which is why members of The Gideons International place such a high priority on distributing God’s Word on college campuses.

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A Russian Athlete Discovers How To Experience True Victory

Growing up in Russia, Alexander always excelled in sports. By the age of 18, he was an international kickboxing champion. His future looked bright, both professionally and personally.

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God Opens Doors In Another Country—Montserrat

Four years ago, Reverend George Agger, sent an email to the headquarters of The Gideons International asking for Bibles for a prison in Montserrat where he serves as chaplain. At that time, The Gideons had not organized in Montserrat.

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Overcoming Doubt: The 2014 India International Scripture Blitz

Weeks before Charles Warren arrived in Chennai to lead an international team in India’s International Scripture Blitz (ISB) this January, he began having doubts. Would doors be open for them to share God’s Word?

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A Testimony Of Hope And Healing

Sergey Komar spent his childhood in an orphanage. Other children in the orphanage mocked and offended him, so he tried to escape several times. However, with each attempt, Sergey was found and brought back to the orphanage.

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A Nine-Year-Old Boy In Swaziland Says “Thank You“

It warms our hearts to know during this Christmas season, there will be children throughout the world who will worship the Savior—perhaps for the first time. Some of those children first came to know Jesus upon receiving a Scripture from The Gideons International at a school distribution.

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A Little Boy’s Faith Has A Big Impact

Last week, one of our long-time supporters went home to be with the Lord. For many years, Mrs. Willa Townsend shared her testimony and that of her son, Otis, at events of The Gideons International. We would like to share her story with you here, in her own words.

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Testimony: God’s Word Brings Healing To Weary Souls

Gupta was born in India and was from a social class of holy men in a very high-ranking caste. He eventually moved to the U.S. and served as a college professor at the University of Georgia.

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Testimony: Reverend Masashi Sugita

In 1977, a young college student named Masashi left his home and family in Japan to study oceanography in California. “I did everything to be accepted by the American students,” says Masashi. He found a small Japanese church that he attended weekly, mainly for the free meals. However his desire for God was not as strong as his desire to be accepted by college students, and he eventually found himself caught up in a world of drugs.

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From Filling In The Blanks To Filled With The Holy Spirit

You guys and your Bibles….you were one of my worst enemies,” says Brian Cole. At the age of 10, Brian was introduced to Satan worship and the dark life that goes with the occult.

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105 Years Of Placing Bibles In Hotels

This week we celebrate the 105th anniversary of our first order for hotel Bibles, which was placed with The Gideons International on November 9, 1908.

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A Young Man Out Of Control Puts Gods Word To The Test

Joplin Emberson was leaving his high school one day when Gideons were conducting a distribution outside. One of the Gideons handed him a New Testament. Joplin had no intention of ever reading it. His life was spiraling out of control, and by the time he was a senior in high school he was addicted to drugs and selling them as well.

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A Building Comes Down, And A Prayer Goes Up

A Gideon was privileged to speak at a church in Fort Gibson, Oklahoma. At the end of the service during the invitation, an elderly gentleman named Laymon walked up beside him and whispered in his ear, “Son, may I borrow that Bible you are holding?”

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A Gideon was privileged to speak at a church in Fort Gibson, Oklahoma. At the end of the service during the invitation, an elderly gentleman named Laymon walked up beside him and whispered in his ear, “Son, may I borrow that Bible you are holding?”

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Testimony: Larry Sweat

A Gideon was privileged to speak at a church in Fort Gibson, Oklahoma. At the end of the service during the invitation, an elderly gentleman named Laymon walked up beside him and whispered in his ear, “Son, may I borrow that Bible you are holding?”

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No Longer “Playing Church”

I grew up in a small town in Orangeburg County, South Carolina. We went to the little Methodist church, and I can recall my father having devotions every morning.

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Thank God I Went to Prison

I was arrested at the Miami Airport and taken to the local hospital to evacuate the drug I had carried from Colombia in my stomach. The year was 1998. I was charged with drug possession and trafficking, conspiracy, and money laundering. I was sentenced to 25 years for each charge for a total of 100 years in prison.

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Saved At Sea

In the fall of 1973, after high school graduation, it seemed all my friends were either getting settled into their first permanent jobs or beginning college. I set off as a radioman aboard the USS Ashtabula, a fleet oiler headed for the South China Sea off the coast of Vietnam. 

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The Hotel Where It All Began

On the evening of September 14, 1898, the Boscobel Central House Hotel in Boscobel, Wisconsin was packed. The air was thick with tobacco smoke and the noise from the crowd in the bar was spilling over into the lobby where guests were playing poker.

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A New Testament Thats Toured The World For Over 30 Years

Govin received a Gideon-placed New Testament in 1983 when he was 12 years old. His parents were devout members of another faith, so the boy hid the Testament and decided not to read it.

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Open Doors In Sweden

Lately, there has been an increasing number of testimonies from people in Sweden who have become Christians after receiving copies of Gods Word distributed by members of The Gideons International. One of those testimonies is that of Kristina Gustafsson.

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God’s Faithfulness Fuels The International Scripture Blitz In Panama

In June, an international team of 10 Gideons from different countries traveled to Panama to conduct an International Scripture Blitz (ISB). They had set a goal of providing 70,000 Scriptures in just one week.

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Salvation Testimonies Pour In After 114th International Convention

The 114th International Convention of The Gideons International was held in late July in Orlando, Florida. The event drew more than 3,500 Gideons, Auxiliary, and their family members.

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Record-Setting Year Moves The Gideons International Closer To Two Billion Scriptures

We rejoice to report that a record 84,632,342 Scriptures were placed and distributed over the past year through The Gideons International.

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Straight into the Word of God

The Gideons visited my classroom for their annual New Testament distribution to fifth graders. The students were excited to show off their new gifts. Later the same day, I had to share the devastating news with the class that the father of one of their classmates had passed away earlier that morning.

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An Encounter in the Colombian Jungle

“Do you want to know something?” a Gideon asked a guerrilla groups chief who abruptly and not very gently stopped the Gideons in the Colombian jungle as they were on their way to an evangelical event.

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Standing At The Gate

On Friday, June 7th, I was distributing New Testaments at the main gate of a large Catholic school together with the local Gideons in Ecuador.

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Bringing The Hope Of The Gospel To The People Of Ecuador

Recognizing an opportunity for reaching the people of Ecuador with God’s Word, an international team of 23 members of The Gideons International arrived in Quito to conduct a two-week International Scripture Blitz in June.

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The Gideons International Organizes In Country 196: Greenland

We are pleased to announce that The Gideons International has organized our first camp in the country of Greenland with 11 new Gideons.

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Uncle Boon

“I am not a Christian!” The curt reply was loud and clear when Dr. Lim KG, a Gideon of Taiping, Malaysia, tried to hand over a New Testament to a resident of St. John Nursing Home during the Malaysia International Scripture Blitz.

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Sowing Over A Half Million Seeds Of Hope In Argentina

On Saturday, May 4th, 23 men who serve in The Gideons International arrived in Buenos Aires, Argentina to help carry out an International Scripture Blitz in which they would share copies of God’s Word and spread the hope of eternal life found only in Jesus Christ.

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Quenching A Spiritual Thirst In Bolivia

Countless people in countries everywhere have yet to receive Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Which is why, every day, copies of God’s Word are being placed and distributed throughout the world by members of The Gideons International—in hopes of reaching people with the Gospel.

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Stepping Out In Faith Through Open Doors In Lithuania

To help bring more people of Lithuania into a saving faith in Jesus Christ, The Gideons International conducted a week-long International Scripture Blitz there in early April.

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Indonesia Scripture Blitz Exceeds Expectations

In early March, an international team of men who serve in The Gideons International arrived in Indonesia to help the local Gideons place and distribute Scriptures in a one-week event known as an International Scripture Blitz.

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Three Days In Dayton To Make A Difference For Eternity

People everywhere are in need of the hope found only in Jesus Christ. So in April, 156 men and 51 women who serve in The Gideons International spent three days distributing more than 48,000 Scriptures in the city of Dayton, Ohio.

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A Weary Traveller Shares God’s Word With A Weary Soul

I had just returned home to Nashville, Tennessee from two weeks in rural Africa where, along with other men who serve in The Gideons International, I had been sharing copies of God’s Word with the lost.

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An Empty Hotel Room And An Empty Heart

To Bob, it seemed like the ideal place to begin his family and his dentistry career. After all, his dad and brother already had a medical practice there. So he and his wife, Detra, moved there after he graduated from the University of Tennessee College of Dentistry.

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The Man Who God Met In The Park

Both my mother and father were alcoholics. My sister was suicidal and my brother died from a crippling disease at a very early age. At the age of 13, I witnessed the stabbing death of my father.

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Three Days In El Paso: Fifty-Three Lives Changed

In March, members of The Gideons International came from states as far away as Virginia and North Carolina to share God’s Word with the people of El Paso during a three-day Scripture distribution event.

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A Single Conversion That Led To 65 More

One of the officials at a large school in Southeast Asia opened the school to receive 1,400 New Testaments. A team from The Gideons International distributed the Scriptures to students and as the men were about to leave, the school official asked them to pray with him.

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Forever Thankful

I was raised in a major denomination and learned about God and the Bible, but it was never intimate to me. At 12 or 13, I pretty much closed the door to that religion. I remember at about 17, looking up and saying to God, “Is this all there is?” I was drafted at 18 to Vietnam. I became part of a group of hallucinogenic drug users and began embracing the idea that religion was a crutch.

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A Waitress Who Couldn’t Wait To Share God’s Word

As I shared the gospel with a young waitress named Debbie, she confessed neither she nor any of her family ever went to church or prayed to God about anything.

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A Police Inspector Agrees To A Line Of Questioning

Honduras’ magnificent mountains, lush rain forests and emerald blue coastal waters are natural draws for tourists each year. However, the country can be a dangerous place to serve as a police officer.

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Not Forgotten

One morning our team of Gideons visited a psychiatric hospital in Lagos. It was a very hot and humid day. Upon arrival, a very gracious head nurse led us to the patient wards.

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An Enthusiastic Welcome For God’s Word In Mozambique

In October, an international team of six Gideons from the USA, Australia, Germany and South Africa partnered with local Gideons in Mozambique to conduct a one-week International Scripture Blitz (ISB) in the city of Beira.

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Desperate Louis

Louis was desperate as he walked toward the Dallas Department of Motor Vehicles to try to reclaim his driver’s license. It was easy for me to approach him, because he was absolutely the only person on either side of the street.

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The Christmas Eve When Gideon Scriptures Orbited The Moon

Christmas Eve, 1968. The world had witnessed much turbulence during the year including the Vietnam War, student revolts in France, and the assassinations of Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King.

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All I Have, I Will Give You

Lazaro, a Gideon in Managua, Nicaragua, was walking toward his home one evening following a planning meeting for an upcoming International Scripture Blitz.

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Testimony: Five Arrest Warrants And Gods Word Catch Up With A Criminal

For 25 years I spent time in different jails around the Republic of Mexico for stealing, using drugs, etc. I would visit my brother in the U.S. from time to time, and would often be stopped for driving drunk.

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